Listed Property Club Sussex Heritage Award 2009 Project Book Carpenters Fellowship

Oak Furniture

At Heartwood we are passionate about all areas of Specialist Woodwork. Along with our Joinery and Oak Framing expertise, we are also experts in Furniture Design and Creation.

If you would like us to Design and Create totally unique and individual Furniture pieces, please contact us to discuss your ideas.


"We are extremely pleased with the superbly handmade windows and doors that Heartwood Construction made for our period home. Chris Payne has an understanding and feeling for old houses, with knowledge of their original construction that helps him to ensure that the joinery he creates will fit into and move with a property that will continue to develop over the years".

S.Bowles, Burwash, East Sussex

Heartwood Construction shows a refreshing enthusiasm and a professional approach to the inevitable repairs that are required. The installation of a concealed steel (T / flitch plate) inside a prominent oak beam was completed with a minimum of fuss and no unsightly reminders. Chris Payne richly deserves his 2009 Sussex Heritage Trust Award for a competent and sympathetic approach to historic restoration.

P.Higgs, Mayfield