Listed Property Club Sussex Heritage Award 2009 Project Book Carpenters Fellowship


Heartwood Construction can help with design specifications from one off furniture pieces, to larger scale specialist building projects. We have very good contacts for architects, structural engineers and designers and can help from the earliest concepts of a project right through to completion. We are very happy to work with any architects and specialists of your choice and welcome productive partnerships and arrangements.

Examples of Previous In House Design Work


Conservation and Restoration Work

Please visit The Wealden Design Guide, on the The Wealden District Authority Planning and Building Control website, to see this project as one of the archaeological officially approved historic reinstatements and used as an example of good historically accurate design. In section 12 Alterations and Extensions to Listed Buildings. click here  for more infomation.


"We are extremely pleased with the superbly handmade windows and doors that Heartwood Construction made for our period home. Chris Payne has an understanding and feeling for old houses, with knowledge of their original construction that helps him to ensure that the joinery he creates will fit into and move with a property that will continue to develop over the years".

S.Bowles, Burwash, East Sussex

“We have been delighted by the Oak Frame Pergola which you recently installed at our home. Your help with the design, together with your excellent workmanship, has given us a superb addition to our garden which has already attracted numerous compliments. We would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone seeking your Oak Framing expertise."

D.Pennock, Northiam